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hashcat Forum

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Example line:

[email protected]:$1$xxxxxxxx$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

oclhashcat32.exe -a 0 -m 500 --username hash.txt pass.txt

Keeps bringing up line length exception Sad

another thing is when I crack just the hashes, speed is like 40p/s on 60k hashes.. so slow, using amd 7970
Confirmed for the exception, please add a trac ticket for this issue :

Then for speed, if you didn't already know it, md5crypt uses a salt, and a high number of iterations (1000), so the speed is at most raw md5 speed divided by 1000 and also number of salts, which gives your 40p/s.
(05-12-2014, 05:47 AM)Xanadrel Wrote: [ -> ]Confirmed for the exception, please add a trac ticket for this issue :

Then for speed, if you didn't already know it, md5crypt uses a salt, and a high number of iterations (1000), so the speed is at most raw md5 speed divided by 1000 and also number of salts, which gives your 40p/s.

Didn't know the specifics but I knew about the slow speed, just wondering if there was some special setting to make it faster XD

Submitting now.
The trac ticket was fixed and next version will include the bug fix.

For speed you can play around w/ -w 3 (OR -u -n values, but -w 3 should give you good results). Indeed, md5crypt is slow because of the iterations (and some other stuff, so not only / 1000 but there is little more to that), futhermore oclHashcat divides the speed by 60k in your case, because each plain needs to be combined w/ the salt corresponding to the hash (so each of those 60k combinations are unique, instead of having the same salt).
Thanks Phil.