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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Combinator Attack Rule Limits
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I was hoping to do a multi-character toggle and I'm having some issues.

Here's the command:
oclHashcat64.bin -m 1000 NTLMhashes -a 1 Dictionary1 Dictionary2 -j "T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6" -k "T0"

After messing around with the -j and -k options, I was able get it work with a couple of characters being toggled in each (-j "T0 T1"). But when I go to toggle 6 characters, it isn't cracking a hash that it should.

Dictionary1 contents:
Dictionary2 contents:

Attempted password to crack: Password123

Am I wrong in thinking that
-j "T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6" -k "T0"
Should get me Password123? Or is there a rule limit that I'm not aware of.
Hey Globus,

The rule and the commandline you provided should crack the hash, yes. I tried to reproduce this with latest oclHashcat but can't. Maybe you use an older version? See my log:

Quote:root@sf:~/oclHashcat-1.22# echo PASSWOR > dict1
root@sf:~/oclHashcat-1.22# echo D123 > dict2
root@sf:~/oclHashcat-1.22# echo -n Password123 | iconv -t utf16le | openssl dgst -md4
(stdin)= 58a478135a93ac3bf058a5ea0e8fdb71
root@sf:~/oclHashcat-1.22# ./oclHashcat64.bin -d1 58a478135a93ac3bf058a5ea0e8fdb71 -m1000 -a1 dict1 dict2 -j "T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6" -k "T0" --weak-hash-threshold 0 --potfile-disable --quiet
Hi Atom,

I was using an old version. I'll update and give it another try. Thanks.