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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Max combination result
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I recalculated the maximum combination of this brute attack and I got a largely different result.

-1 ?l?u ?1?l?l?l?l?s?s

52 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 95 + 95

oclHashcat gave me: 25 877 636 928
My end result ----> 216 740 060 992

52*26*26*26*26 = 23762752
52*26*26*26*26*95 = 2257461440
52*26*26*26*26*95*95 = 214 458 836 800
My end result -----------> 216 740 060 992
Your calculation is incorrect because ?s = 33, not 95

52*26*26*26*26*33*33 = 25 877 636 928
Ah, yes, of course! Thank you!