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hashcat Forum

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oclhashcat cracked md5 of f54198dc47cf5cd61202b8675e118811 as $HEX[454645c7494e4152] which is EFEÇINAR
but if you generate md5 from EFEÇINAR it is: 84be3c290cff6a369b09f662713239af
if you generate md5 from $HEX[454645c7494e4152] it is: a5ebb0a6d0c4ce3c412c7a0db4b6c7e1

what is the correct one?
it's an encoding error on your part. your terminal is probably UTF8, and that string isn't.

epixoip@token:~$ printf "\x45\x46\x45\xc7\x49\x4e\x41\x52" | md5sum
f54198dc47cf5cd61202b8675e118811  -
Yes, encoding matters. Try this:

echo -en 'EFE\xc7INAR' | md5sum
f54198dc47cf5cd61202b8675e118811  -

or this:
echo -n 'EFEÇINAR' | iconv -t iso-8859-1 | md5sum
f54198dc47cf5cd61202b8675e118811  -
(06-14-2014, 11:16 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]it's an encoding error on your part. your terminal is probably UTF8, and that string isn't.

epixoip@token:~$ printf "\x45\x46\x45\xc7\x49\x4e\x41\x52" | md5sum
f54198dc47cf5cd61202b8675e118811  -

thanks epixoip & philsmd