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Full Version: cudaHashcat64.exe -b crashes after one test
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cudaHashcat64.exe -b crashes after one test on my Win7 64-bit system.

I get:
cudaHashcat v1.20 starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1024MB, 1644Mhz, 8MCU

Hashtype: MD4
Workload: 1024 loops, 256 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.: 2686.4 MH/s

Then that crash message that Windows stopped working.

Actual attacks have been working. This is the first time I've run the benchmarks for this version of the program.
cudaHashcat v1.00 did run the benchmarks OK.

How to troubleshoot why the benchmarks don't work?
why are you using an outdated version?
Ooops. Had gotten busy with other things, and didn't realize that v1.21 is out.

v1.21 does the same thing. It does the first benchmark, then the crash message that Windows stopped working. The examples cudaExample0.cmd, cudaExample400.cmd, and cudaExample500.cmd run OK.

cudaHashcat v1.21 starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1024MB, 1644Mhz, 8MCU

Hashtype: MD4
Workload: 1024 loops, 256 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.: 2712.6 MH/s