(07-03-2014, 10:23 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]you're missing the most important part, and that is the fact that the specific algorithm you are trying to crack is not supported.
-m 4500 is sha1_hex(sha1_hex(pass))
your algorithm is sha1_hex(sha1_raw(pass))
so -m 4500 will not work for what you are doing.
Oh wow! I get it now, philsmd explained it too... so the algo is safe from hashCat! Cool!
I bet there's millions of requests......
Is there anyway I can make a request for the encoding " sha1_hex(sha1_raw(pass))" to be implemented?
-m 4501 ?
If I can build the project in Visual Studio, I'll write it myself - for the good of the community! (I know C, C#, Bit of assembly, bit of C++ (not things like Pure Abstract Virtual generic Templates for example), Java, and VB)
Lots of research later, THIS is it:
cudaHashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 300 --outfile-format=15 --outfile-autohex-disable --outfile=passwords.txt --hex-charset REAL.hash -1 ?l?d?u -2 NULL.hcchr ?1?2?1?2?1?2?1?2?1?2?1?2?1?2
NULL.hcchr is just "00" thanks to the "--hex-charset" flag, rather than [NULL]
Notice the hashing system is MySQL? No one picked up on it! I'm off to close the Trac...
Cracking hashes like a champ now. 100MH/s. 20 days to go.
Thanks for everyones help!