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hashcat Forum

Full Version: BUG: cuModuleLoad() 301 error unless full path given
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I just registered to let you know of a bug I found. Not sure if it affects only me or if someone else might run into the same problem.

My setup:
Windows 7 64bit
cudaHashcat v1.21
Nvidia driver v332.88
CUDA driver v6.0.1
Device #1: GeForce GTX 670, 4096MB, 980Mhz, 7MCU
Device #2: GeForce GTS 450, 1024MB, 1620Mhz, 4MCU

The problem:
Whenever I run cudaHashcat (be it 32 or 64 bit, benchmark or a "real" run) I get the following error:

Quote:> cudaHashcat64.exe -b
ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 301

The solution:
I have added the folder to my PATH and I found that this only happens when type just "cudahashcat64" or "cudahashcat64.exe" (same for 32 bit). If I type the full path it works:

Quote:> D:\Apps\cudaHashcat-1.21\cudaHashcat64.exe -b

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more info.