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hashcat Forum

Full Version: GNU tools (sort, grep, etc) with OpenCL support?
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I have a R9 290X and it's really faster, on the older hand my processor is not that great, just 2.8Mhz! LOL

When we work with wordlists such as doing sort, grep, uniq, etc it's very slow on big wordlists even with fast storage, I believe it's because they work with one single core that is not that powerful. Do you know a way to make sort, grep, etc work with all the cores at the same time on a big wordlist?

Or better yet, GNU tools such as sort, grep, ... version that is GPU oriented? This would be very helpful.

I goggled, but just found academic projects, no usable code. Or what approach do you use to speed it as most as possible?

There are gnu parallel and xargs that i know of that can make use of more cores.
(07-08-2014, 06:24 PM)rickm Wrote: [ -> ]I goggled, but just found academic projects, no usable code. Or what approach do you use to speed it as most as possible?

Write your own. FWIW, fgets-sse2(made by hashcat author) could help.
Hi guys

Thanks. Yeah, I think that unfortunately xargs is the best option at the moment. I don't believe that anything for GPUs exist.
