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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Problem with SHA256 and hyphenated salt
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I think I ran into a bug when trying to crack SHA256 hashes with a hyphenated salt. I hashed the following:


the salt is 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111

which produces the following hash:


If I put the hash into oclhashcat as


with the hash-mode set to 1410 it never cracks it.
not a bug, simply just not supported. max salt length is 32
ok. i come across salts longer than 32 characters quite a bit. is there a possibility it could be extended to something longer?
Not in the generic hash types. But if it's an interessting hash and we add it as a new hash-mode it's possible, all lengths
nothing really interesting. i've seen it in a few php cms' where the salt is a uuid.