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hashcat Forum

Full Version: outfile-format problem ?
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can someone confirm or not if there is a problem with this command :
hc -m xxx hashesfile --outfile-format=5 --show

for my test, I used xxx=111.

I should have hash[Confusedalt]:hex_plain and the result is plain:hex_plain

Thanks for your help.

btw, great job Atom !;-)
This is a known problem of cpu hashcat 0.47.
The upcoming version of cpu hashcat (0.48) won't have this problem any longer.
(07-31-2014, 10:46 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]This is a known problem of cpu hashcat 0.47.
The upcoming version of cpu hashcat (0.48) won't have this problem any longer.

Tks for your answer.