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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Salt max length ?
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Hi there,

This is the first time that I'm using hashcat.
For now I'm just trying to understand the system with a simple example.
I'm using a 56-length salt which come from Prestashop ('_COOKIE_KEY_'). It seems to be the standard size of the salt in that system ( ).

This is what I took for my example :
Salt: 2NZwJaG2ShDGHbJSSG8Jn9XyJtFsqcAUhFUyv2aEvYavSw50mbNjXJY3
123456 without salt : e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
123456 with salt : 7e97f42df22c0555859942f9751b7ad9

So I'm trying to find back the original password (123456) with the method $salt.$pass
But my problem is that is seems that my salt is too big for hashcat. So how can I figure out this ? Do you know a way to unblock the max size ?

Initializing hashcat v0.47 by atom with 4 threads and 64mb segment-size...

Skipping salt: 2NZwJaG2ShDGHbJSSG8Jn9XyJtFsqcAUhFUyv2aEvYavSw50mbNjXJY3 (salt le
Added external salts from file C:\Users\dell\Desktop\test.salt: 0 salts
Added hashes from file C:\Users\dell\Desktop\crackme.hash: 1 (1 salts)
Activating quick-digest mode for single-hash

Thank you for your help,
Hashcat has a salt length limit. So your salt is just to long and there is nothing you can do about it to make hashcat work with it.