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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Line length exception with sha1-hmac (mode 150)
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I've managed to get hashcat working just fine for cracking sha1-hmac for small amounts of data, but for larger I am getting line length exception. I won't post the real hashes I'm working on, but I've created a new hash that exhibits the same problem:

echo -n "BAhbB2wrB9IClklVOiBBY3RpdmVTdXBwb3J0OjpUaW1lV2l0aFpvbmVbCEl1OglUaW1lDaulHMDYsjYxBzoLQF96b25lSSIIVVRDBjoGRVQ6DXN1Ym1pY3JvIgYASSIIVVRDBjsIRkAL" | openssl sha1 -hmac "secret"

When I try to crack this with hashcat (./ -m 150 hashes.txt wordlist.txt) I get:

Skipping line: 4ec76d1731998e6aeaa176d4962d9531d4e5f500:BAhbB2wrB9IClklVOiBBY3RpdmVTdXBwb3J0OjpUaW1lV2l0aFpvbmVbCEl1OglUaW1lDaulHMDYsjYxBzoLQF96b25lSSIIVVRDBjoGRVQ6DXN1Ym1pY3JvIgYASSIIVVRDBjsIRkAL (line length exception)

Is there any way around this?
you're exceeding the maximum salt length that oclHashcat supports. there's no way around this.
That's a shame. Thanks for the quick response!