09-14-2014, 11:33 PM
09-14-2014, 11:53 PM
ok guys, how can I fuse Uppercase and lowercase on first position in my.hcmask?
in other words, this is one .hcmask that I use..
and this is another..
They are both the same except for the first char. I would like cudaHashcat to try Uppercase and lowercase for the first char. What is the most logical way to do this?
in other words, this is one .hcmask that I use..
and this is another..
They are both the same except for the first char. I would like cudaHashcat to try Uppercase and lowercase for the first char. What is the most logical way to do this?
09-14-2014, 11:59 PM
(09-14-2014, 11:33 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]you can easily create a mask for such a static scheme.
yes, but then I'm stuck with rigid vowels/consonants positions and I don't want that, or am I missing something here? I wish I could instruct Markov to not use the same kind(vowels vs consonants) too many times next to each other. That would be so much easier.
09-15-2014, 12:24 AM
see the wiki on how to specify custom charsets: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mask_attack
PACK can generate hcmask files matching given policies: https://thesprawl.org/projects/pack/
PACK can generate hcmask files matching given policies: https://thesprawl.org/projects/pack/
09-15-2014, 12:27 AM
yes yes, I've come across that PACK thigny in my search. Good idea!!
09-15-2014, 01:39 AM
and just a side note, referring n00bs like me on the wiki page doesn't help. I've browsed the wiki on and off for 2 days without making any progress before coming here to ask questions. The wiki only makes sense once someone has grasped the basics and wants to go further. Other than that it remains obscure and vague notions.
Syntax examples with definitions would be more potent for diluting thickness..
I've learned more here in 24hrs than I did in the past 5 days trying to sort this out on my own.
Syntax examples with definitions would be more potent for diluting thickness..
I've learned more here in 24hrs than I did in the past 5 days trying to sort this out on my own.
09-16-2014, 04:32 PM
let me go ahead with another question, a little off-topic, about .hcmask files.
I'm working with 3 different .hcmask files..
Based upon your personal experience, is it better to keep them separated or to fuse them into one file?
I'm working with 3 different .hcmask files..
Based upon your personal experience, is it better to keep them separated or to fuse them into one file?
09-19-2014, 07:17 PM
here's a new challenge.
I'm looking to build a syntax that would cover certain criteria.
A capture.hccap is the target. I'm using cudaHashcat 1.30
- 8 character long.
- first character is both a Capitalized letter and a lower case (-u -l).
- last four characters are numbers, Capitalized letters, lower case (all except symbols (-u -l -d)).
- between the first position and the last four, all lower case (-l).
=: Orange67, carbonat, Dave1945, lasorsJP..
I'm looking to build a syntax that would cover certain criteria.
A capture.hccap is the target. I'm using cudaHashcat 1.30
- 8 character long.
- first character is both a Capitalized letter and a lower case (-u -l).
- last four characters are numbers, Capitalized letters, lower case (all except symbols (-u -l -d)).
- between the first position and the last four, all lower case (-l).
=: Orange67, carbonat, Dave1945, lasorsJP..
09-19-2014, 08:47 PM
Where exactly are you struggling with making the mask up yourself?
09-19-2014, 08:49 PM
- first character is both a Capitalized letter and a lower case (-u -l).
- last four characters are numbers, Capitalized letters, lower case (all except symbols (-u -l -d)).
these to me, remain a complete mystery.
- last four characters are numbers, Capitalized letters, lower case (all except symbols (-u -l -d)).
these to me, remain a complete mystery.