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hashcat Forum

Full Version: combination attack help
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I am trying to figure out how long would oclhaschat take to guess my wpa2 password.
It is a combination of 2 dictionary with 2 numbers added at the end.
From reading it seems what I would need is a combination attack. The dictionary contains lowercase 3-8 character, some 14-thousand words. The second dictionary is just a copy of the first.
The command I am using is
-m 2500 -a 1 -k ?d?d d:\shake.hccap d:\dict1 d:\dict1_copy

oclHashcat exits immediately with the Rejected line being (%100), some 200 million possible combinations. What am I doing wrong?
first, '-k ?d?d' is incorrect, that's a mask not a rule.

second, you're likely seeing a lot of rejected combinations because the words in your wordlists are too short. a 3-char word + a 3-char word is a 6-char word, which is too short for WPA's minimum of 8 chars.

try using maskprocessor to generate a list of ?d?d, then use combinator3.exe from hashcat-utils and pipe that into oclHashcat.
(before begin: sorry if there is some bad english) Hi there! i'm having almost the same problem, i already have a hccap file from traffic of my router, i have tested it in other attack modes, these attacks are succes, but i thought about combinator attack, my key is 10 digit hexadecimal, and i have done a dictionary with 5 hexadecimal, range from 00000 to f f f f f and a copy of this one to create the full lenght key. So probably i misunderstood the working mode, i thought if there is "45b65" and "eda7d" in these files the combinator attack could create the key "45b65eda7d". SO the command i'm using is like this:
"oclhashcat64 -a 1 -m 2500 lNFINITUMlzl7.hccap dicc01.txt dicc01_copy.txt "

and i'm getting

Session.Name...: oclHashcat
Status.........: Exhausted
Input.Base.....: File (dicc01.txt)
Input.Mod......: File (dicc01_copy.txt)
Hash.Target....: lNFINITUMlzl7 (00:0c:43:53:92:00 <-> 1c:7b:21:66:2e:fc)
Hash.Type......: WPA/WPA2
Time.Started...: 0 secs
Time.Estimated.: 0 secs
Speed.GPU.#1...: 0 H/s
Recovered......: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 1099511627776/1099511627776 (100.00%)
Skipped........: 0/1099511627776 (0.00%)
Rejected.......: 1099511627776/1099511627776 (100.00%)

can you help me? what i'm doing wrong? i would be very thankful!
Could it be that the original cap file had malformed packets in it?
1. pls do not hijack threads like you just did since:
problem with syntax -k ?d?d (which is not valid/possible) is very different from your problem

2. pls see where I analyzed and reported a bug that seems to be related with your problem
(10-08-2014, 02:47 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]@gato_wero
1. pls do not hijack threads like you just did since:
problem with syntax -k ?d?d (which is not valid/possible) is very different from your problem

2. pls see where I analyzed and reported a bug that seems to be related with your problem

I'm really sorry, I can't justify me, but i thought that create a new post would be wrong, anyway, I'll review the suggested link

Thanks very much!!!
(10-08-2014, 08:26 AM)Rolf Wrote: [ -> ]Could it be that the original cap file had malformed packets in it?

thanks, but i think that is not the problem, the cap converted to hccap works fine in a dictionary method Smile