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hashcat Forum

Full Version: User:Hash Saving Syntax?
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My source file is using "user:hash", and I want to have hashcat save the email and assign it back to the corresponding cracked hash.

My syntax currently is
oclHashcat64.exe -m 0 --username --outfile=cracked.txt --remove hash.txt wordlist/rockyou.txt

And this doesn't appear to do the trick as it saves the hash:

I want output to look like
[email protected]:testhash

Any syntax help would be NEEDED direly, and greatly appreciated.
See wiki and --help:

You need to do it in 2 steps.
1. crack the hashes:

oclHashcat64.exe -m 0 --username hash.txt wordlist/rockyou.txt

2. display the hashes w/ --show

oclHashcat64.exe -m 0 --username --show --outfile-format 2 hash.txt

You can also use
oclHashcat64.exe -m 0 --username --show --outfile cracked.txt --outfile-format 2 hash.txt

if you want to redirect the output to that specific file.
when I use this command I'm getting only cracked hashes filling up the entire file:

with not hash or email attached.

I should mention that the "users" are actually emails, if that makes a difference.
yes, thx for testing...
It seems that it only works w/o --outfile-format 2 (or more correctly, it works w/ all outfile-formats that also output the hash at the beginning)...

I think we will categorize this as a bug and next version will output the username always when --username and --show are used together. (BTW next version of oclHashcat 1.31 will be releason soon afaik)

PS: progress of this problem is trac(k)ed here:
PS2: I must correct myself for the --outfile-format x parameter you need in your specific case, see --help but it should be --outfile-format 1 (only hash[Confusedalt])