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hashcat Forum

Full Version: brute force 3 digit very slow
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anyone know why brute force 3 digit is very slow, here the rate:
3 digit = 10 minutes
4 digit = 20 seconds
5 digit = 40 seconds
If you doing this on TI-85 calculator it's normal rate.

Because you have provided so much data, you got such explaining answer.
OK, here detailed report

hardware: AMD Radeon HD 7750
os: wins 7
soft: oclHaschCat 1.21
hash: 13675 hash - sha1($pass.$salt)

3 digit = 3 minutes - 7 H/s
4 digit = 7 secons - 1294 H/s
5 digit = 12 seconds - 400 H/hs
6 digit = 50 sec -23478 H/s

this is apply to IPB and VBulletin hash.
(10-04-2014, 01:21 PM)ewwink Wrote: [ -> ]hardware: AMD Radeon HD 7750

your card is slow

ewwink Wrote:soft: oclHaschCat 1.21
Latest is 1.31

ewwink Wrote:hash: 13675 hash - sha1($pass.$salt)

13675 hashes = 13675 different salts = very slow algorithm

For me it's working as expected.

Change your card if you need more performance.