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hashcat Forum

Full Version: custom charset in .hccmask files
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This is possibly a feature request, but I wanted to post it here first just in case it turns out I'm an idiot and am doing everything wrong.

I'd like to be able to specify an .hcchar file in an .hcmask command, e.g.:


I tried it on a practice hash and it didn't return results, so I'm assuming it read the file paths as character sets. Is there a way around this?

Right now I just have a pretty messy mask file, and that would be really nice:
?dabcdefghiklmnoprstuwyzABCDEGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?dabcdefghiklmnoprtuwyzABCDEGHILMNOPRTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?1?1?1?2sojo

?dabcdefghiklmnoprstuwyzABCDEGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?dabcdefghiklmnoprtuwyzABCDEGHILMNOPRTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?1?1?1?2SOJO

?dabcdefghiklmnoprstuwyzABCDEGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?dabcdefghiklmnoprtuwyzABCDEGHILMNOPRTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?dabcdefghiklmnprstuwyzABCDEGHILMNPRSTUWYZ-_+:#!@/$ ,?1?2sojo?3?1

I'm working from a headless server, which makes editing these things pretty obnoxious.

So if there's a way to do this, I'd love to know! Otherwise, I can toss it over to the feature request page. (Obviously it's very low priority.)

Side note:
And before anyone calls it out, I know I can use "?l?u?d-_+:#!@/$" instead. My alphabets are slightly customized to remove q, v, etc. And #2 #3 eliminate o and s, respectively, because I'm gambling that doubling those characters feels pretty awkward to most people (e.g. sojoone12)
Blah blah blah - it's customized for this particular capture, and these types of changes helped me knock each mask down from 12 minutes/each to about 5 1/2 minutes/each. (It's a WPA/WPA2 handshake, so everything to speed that up helps).