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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Save progress every x seconds-hashcat-cli64.exe
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I would like to know how to save the progress of hashcat-cli64.exe running on windows server 2008 every 5 minutes?

The main purpose is to be able to resume the session in case the PC is turned of or restarted. In that situation I am not able to see the session number to resume.
I'm not using wordlist, just brute force mode for WPA.

You can chose session name by yourself, then when pc restard You will be know what session need to be restored
(10-18-2014, 09:36 AM)Szulik Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.
You can chose session name by yourself, then when pc restard You will be know what session need to be restored

Is there a flag to choose the session name? On --help I didn't find it.
Here You got all what is need
Hashcat does not use the --session flag, that is for oclhashcat. No method to save Hashcat progress that i am aware of
when you kill hashcat it will tell you which -s value you need to use to resume the attack.