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hashcat Forum

Full Version: encrypted wallet
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Pages: 1 2
Hi. have a ENCRYPTED DOGE wallet,password lost.I'am owner wallet,
have idea password, but while no luck.
Any variants --may be attack hash collision metod?
If it possible.
hashcat does not support wallet formats
Jonn the Ripper extract password hash from wallet,

Example- <redacted>.

This hash supported hashcat?
That's not a hash. It may look like a hash, but it's not. That's not how it works.
Try this

It should extract the hash from the wallet (it should work on the dogecoin wallet)

What I saw from using it and other tools is that the wallet is like a sha-512 with several hundred iterations, at least as far as I remember.
That is precisely what he used in the previous post. Still doesn't extract a hash, and still not supported by hashcat.
(01-09-2015, 07:40 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]That is precisely what he used in the previous post. Still doesn't extract a hash, and still not supported by hashcat.

Ah, gotcha.
I extracted the hash, and run for oclHashcat64
11300 Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat ----

C:\oclHashcat-1.35>oclHashcat64.exe -a 3
-m 11300 --session=a098ll --force --status --status-timer=60 -o "C:\Users\123\Do
wnloads\HashcatGUI_044\tmp9FF_found1.txt" --outfile-format=3 -t 90 --remove -w 3
--gpu-temp-disable -i --increment-min=5 --increment-max=10 -1 ?d "C:\Users\123\
AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9FF.tmp" ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
oclHashcat v1.35 starting...

ERROR: Invalid hash-type specified

But I eventually wrote error.
oclHashcat 1.35 does not support wallet.dat. This functionality was added in 1.36, which has not yet been released.
I wonder how to get the beta.....
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