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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Mask vs salt
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I'm new to hashcat and just trying it out so please take it easy on me. I read about the mask attack and I know about salting.
If I have one fixed salt and a mask with some static characters, are they different?
Let's take for example:
1. 10 = md5($pass.$salt) + mask ?l?l?l?l + [hash]:SALT
2. 0 = MD5 + mask ?l?l?l?lSALT + [hash]

Is there any difference between the above two run modes? If so, what are the differences?

Also, I can't find the difference between the straight mode and brute-force. Can someone explain the differences?

Thanks a lot! Smile
hashcat does all the salt handling on its own. dont worry about that. just tell it what character space you want to search.
Ok, but you didn't answer my question. Is there any difference between the two modes?
Suppose I have a double salted md5 like $salt1.$pass.$salt2 . Could I use hash type 0 with the mask SALT1?l?l?l?lSALT2 ?

Also, is there a way to specify the mask as hex?

LE: correction: mode -> hash type
The difference is that mode 10 expects md5($pass.$salt) and 0 expects just md5($pass).

No, but you could use mode 3.

Maybe use ?b for your mask
Sorry, I meant hash type, not mode (corrected above). I tested with a small space of keys and it seems to behave the same (type 0 with salt in mask and type 10 with mask specified explicitly).
My question for the developers of oclHashcat is: Is there any difference in optimizations for these 2 running modes?