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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Tesla - GPU Cluster
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I found this article for clustering amd cards with VCL. There is a warning at the top that says that it is out of date and most likely will not work. Is there a recommended approach? Does anyone have experience with clustering nvidia cards for use with hashcat? I can use any open source OS. The cluster is ~50 nodes with 1 GPU card each. Any help is appreciated.

Clustering is not directly supported. You'll need third-party software. It does not really matter if it's AMD or Nvidia cards (or even mixed).

Don't use Tesla. Use consumer cards.

OS cluster SW:
Cluster with bundled non-os software:
Thanks for the response.

I looked at both of those options previously.

Hashtopus - Doen't fit in the environment that I would like to run. Mainly, the cluster is not dedicated to hashcat.

Sagitta - Seems to achieve what I am looking for. Would like to find an open source solution though to deploy to existing hardware.

I also found this trac ticket, describing working versions of VCL / hashcat. It's 9 months old though and using somewhat dated versions.

Has anyone attempted the VCL solution recently?

I am a bit curious as to the reasons it doesn't function anymore. The wiki does not elude to the issues. I have tried to find some information in the forum and the web, but came up with nothing.

It seems that VCL is dead, any info on whether it was picked up in another project or is there a comparable out there?

Thanks for tolerating my questions. This is a somewhat new area for me, but am very interested in the subject.
(02-04-2015, 10:25 AM)jimmyjohn Wrote: [ -> ]Hashtopus - Doen't fit in the environment that I would like to run. Mainly, the cluster is not dedicated to hashcat.
Could you elaborate this? I currently cannot think of an environment where hashtopus would not work.
VCL is dead. Hasn't been updated since Sept 2013, and thus hasn't kept up with bugs/changes in the drivers. This is the main reason why we developed Hashstack. I assume the students that were working on VCL graduated, and thus it is now abandoned. Use at your own risk. If you do decide to use it, you're going to need to get some Infiniband hardware.

Edit: Just realized you said you had Nvidia hardware. VCL + oclHashcat only worked with AMD, not Nvidia.