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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Is it even possible?
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Is it possible to crack a 10 characters password given that it will only be made out of lower and uppercase english letters?
(02-08-2015, 08:26 PM)radix Wrote: [ -> ]yes

how much time would it take at 10million words per second and lastly what character set includes ?l and ?u in one set?

thx for fast replies
Well, the character set is 26+26 = 52. Ten characters is 52^10 = 144,555,105,949,057,024 possible passwords. At 10m/sec (which is very low depending on the hash), ~458 years.

BUT...10m/sec is low for many types of hashes*, even using a cpu. Also, wordlists, if it is based on a dictionary word, are many times more efficient than brute forcing it.

As for the mask, just use a variable, e.g. -2 ?l?u ?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2

*Many, but not all. Depends on the hash.
(02-08-2015, 09:19 PM)rsberzerker Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the character set is 26+26 = 52. Ten characters is 52^10 = 144,555,105,949,057,024 possible passwords. At 10m/sec (which is very low depending on the hash), ~458 years.

BUT...10m/sec is low for many types of hashes*, even using a cpu. Also, wordlists, if it is based on a dictionary word, are many times more efficient than brute forcing it.

As for the mask, just use a variable, e.g. -2 ?l?u ?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2

*Many, but not all. Depends on the hash.

well thx Big Grin before i get possibly too annoying, i am having trouble making the mask.
An example of the password i am trying to crack would be 22-aBcdEfgGid I do not know where the caps will be nor what the number at the start is
so far i have ?d?d"-"<the salt> how do i mask the salt?
Ok i got the hang of the mask and now it says i need to wait 10 years -.-
Sorry for spamming but is there a way to ask hashcat to crack on the first digits and not the salt? because it seems i can make use of -m 1410 which says Sha256(pass.salt) i only want the first 2 numbers what do i do?
If you have the hash, you should have the salt too. Hashcat (and oclhashcat), given the right -m parameter, will automatically use the salt. You don't need to crack that.
You can not partly recover hashes.
(02-08-2015, 11:49 PM)rsberzerker Wrote: [ -> ]If you have the hash, you should have the salt too. Hashcat (and oclhashcat), given the right -m parameter, will automatically use the salt. You don't need to crack that.


Enli[/align]ghten me brother ! :O how do i get the salt out of a hash?
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