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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Dreaded 209 error
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I'm getting the dreaded ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209 error trying to run oclHashcat on my system... the details:

Intel i7 980 X CPU
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 4GB
Nvidia GeForce 210 (to run my 5th & 6th monitors)
Windows 7 x64

I'm running the 347.52 version of the GeForce driver on both cards. I completely uninstalled all Nvidia software and installed the latest driver today and I'm still getting the error.

Because the 210 is an older, unsupported card I'm running with -d 1 on the command line to tell it to ignore the second card.

Any ideas?
Afaik this error could also occur if you did not extract the oclHashcat .7z archive correctly.
You should use something like 7zip on windows and unzip the .7z with this software.

After that you need to make sure that the kernels/4318 directory does exist and that inside this folder there are several .ptx kernel files.