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hashcat Forum

Full Version: how to limit password character length
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I'm using this command to find my password on mac Yosemite

./ -m 7100 hash.txt wordlist.txt

And it was successful, however it took a little bit long.

What if I know exactly how many chacracter my password have. In this case, it's 6 characters ("tobein"). How can I tell hashcat not to try further than that?
(03-02-2015, 06:08 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]

You could use '6 or <7

Like this below?

./ -m 6 7100 hash.txt wordlist.txt
No, like this:

echo "<7"  >under_7.rule
./ -m 7100 hash.txt wordlist.txt -r under_7.rule
Ok. I'm still checking
Works here:

epixoip@token:~$ echo "<7" >under_7.rule

epixoip@token:~$ cat under_7.rule

Did you forget the quotes?
I see. It's working now. But something interesting that I want to clarify with you.

The limit character method should work faster than no limit right? However the limit method reports the longer estimated time than without using

I attached the screen shots for your reference.
Too much overhead checking the length of each candidate. You can try using the other rule instead. Edit the rule file and replace <7 with '6 and see if that helps.
(03-02-2015, 06:54 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Too much overhead checking the length of each candidate. You can try using the other rule instead. Edit the rule file and replace <7 with '6 and see if that helps.

I just tried that. The estimated time now is still the same as "<7"
Yeah, slightly faster but not near as fast as not filtering at all. String manipulation is just too slow.

So in this case what I'd suggest doing is pre-filtering your wordlist.

awk 'length < 7' wordlist.txt >wordlist_6.txt

Then run wordlist_6.txt instead of wordlist.txt
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