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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Two hashes one result - why?
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I got two hashes

hash number 1:


hash number 2:


Both produce the same password. How is it possible?
they are salted and seemingly even different algorithms judging from the size.
it's the same hash:


and the same salt (only first 512 bit matter)


and the same iteration count.
I know it same salt and same iteration. But hash is different. One is much longer than another.
They are not
well I guess there is more about hashing I need to learn.
There is not much you need to learn here. It is very simple.

OS X v10.8+ (-m 7100) uses PBKDF2, which allows to have a variable output (digest/hash) length.
oclHashcat doesn't care much about this hash length (it could be very long, or just the minimum length), but the only thing to know is that given the same password and salt you will end up with the same hash (which you could extend in length or not).
But why would one care about the length, if oclHashcat did find the correct password and hence the hash was cracked everything is fine. So why should/would oclHashcat try to distiguish them if they are identical (except the output size)?