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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Help Running Hashcat For My Specifications
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I have a hash I would like to crack, but am not sure what to put in the console. I looked through the wiki, but still haven't completely figured it out.

I want to basically bruteforce the hash, with these conditions:
  • each letter with charset '?l?u?`~!@ #$%^&' (In other words, all capital letters, lowercase letters, and some other characters)

  • I also know that the password is 3-6 characters long.

This is what I put in command prompt:

cudaHashcat64 -m 7100 hash.txt -1 '?l?u`~!@ #$%^&*)(' -i -a 7

could someone tell me what the correct syntax would be for what I want? I'm guessing I should to mask attack, but that doesn't seem to be an option in oclHashcat.
cudaHashcat64 -a 3 -m 7100 -1 '?l?u`~!@ #$%^&*)(' -i --increment-min 3 hash.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1
(03-05-2015, 03:18 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]cudaHashcat64 -a 3 -m 7100 -1 '?l?u`~!@ #$%^&*)(' -i --increment-min 3 hash.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1

It says Hash ' #$%&*()'': Line-length execption

ERROR: No hashes loaded

It must be the syntax because I know my hash is fine.
You'll probably need to do some additional escaping for those special chars on Windows. Or put the charset into an hcchr file and use that instead.
(03-05-2015, 04:13 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]You'll probably need to do some additional escaping for those special chars on Windows. Or put the charset into an hcchr file and use that instead.

So It would look like:
cudaHashcat64 -a 3 -m 7100 -1 '?l?u^`^~^!^@^#^$^%^^^&^*^)^(' -i --increment-min 3 hash.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1

Actually, just figured out the error. In your code you had a space between "@" and "#".

On a separate note, I have two GTX 660s. Why does only the first one appear to be running at 99%, while the other is at 0%?

They are running in SLI.
I just copied and pasted the charset you had in your original post, so if there's a space there it's because you put it there first (and if you look at your first post, you certainly did.)

A space shouldn't be a problem though since the string was wrapped in single quotes, unless single quotes mean nothing in Windows.
(03-05-2015, 06:58 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]I just copied and pasted the charset you had in your original post, so if there's a space there it's because you put it there first (and if you look at your first post, you certainly did.)

A space shouldn't be a problem though since the string was wrapped in single quotes, unless single quotes mean nothing in Windows.
Sorry if it appeared that I thought it was your error. I know that it was my error now. Anyways, everything is working now. It turns out that single quotes do mean nothing. The worst thing that could have happened were that single quotes were added to the charset, right?