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hashcat Forum

Full Version: hashcat & truecrypt
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Good evening folks!

I searched on the Internet for a tool that will allow me to use a dictionary to find my password for my TrueCrypt file and I found this website!

Unfortunately, I am not sure what I'm doing wrong to get it running.... Here's the command that I'm using:

Quote:C:\Users\Orion\Desktop\oclHashcat-1.33>oclHashcat64.exe -m 6211 -a 6 dictionary.txt -n 5
12 hash
oclHashcat v1.33 starting...

Usage: oclHashcat64.exe [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|di

Try --help for more help.

I am using a GTX 960 (if that helps)

Let me know if you need more details! Cheers!
You are not giving it a mask unless it is the "12 hash"