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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclhashcat-"display driver stopped working....."
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Some backround first:
Windows 7
AMD Gigabyte HD 5870
Catalyst 14.9
Oclhashcat 1.33

My problem is this...When I do a straight dictionary attack using a larger dic file (10+ gb) I get the dreaded " display driver stopped working but recovered..." Using a smaller dic file (> 2g) it may, but not always, finish. The card runs at 100 fan at 70° -75.° When I do a brute force attack...say l?u?...the process runs fine. I've had the brute force attack running for two days now just to see if I 'd get the "driver" problem and so far no problem. So what's up with this...anybody have any thoughts?

That usually has some relation to a "high load" on the gpu and is for example notorious in the combination of older cards and expensive algos like bcrypt.

You can work around this by tuning your attack with these options:
-n, --gpu-accel=NUM Workload tuning: 1, 8, 40, 80, 160
-u, --gpu-loops=NUM Workload fine-tuning: 8 - 1024

As you lower them you may find a point where the attack will run without crashing the driver.
Thanks for the workaround. I'm attacking a WPA2 handshake with a 4+ gb dictionary. Interestingly, I discovered that if I use the same 4gh dictionary with a rule..say best64...its runs fine and strangely the card runs cooler....been running for 2 days. Adding the rule triples the run time....the hashrate is the its doing more work. Somehow the GPU seems to be under less stress.

I never had this issue with older versions of ocl using the same hd 5870.

I'm using hashcat gui w/ Windows 7 so I guess I would add those augments to a custom command line.

Thanks again for your help.

(03-23-2015, 09:38 PM)kartan Wrote: [ -> ]That usually has some relation to a "high load" on the gpu and is for example notorious in the combination of older cards and expensive algos like bcrypt.

You can work around this by tuning your attack with these options:
-n, --gpu-accel=NUM Workload tuning: 1, 8, 40, 80, 160
-u, --gpu-loops=NUM Workload fine-tuning: 8 - 1024

As you lower them you may find a point where the attack will run without crashing the driver.
Give this a shot too:

1. Create, edit copy/paste and then double click (install) the .reg file and delete it after successful import: