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hashcat Forum

Full Version: My hybrid is not working
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I have noticed, that hybrid (dict + ?d?d?d?d) attacks seem not to give any luck... so I decided to check if it is working at all.

1/ I hashed pass999z


2/ I ran:

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 6 -m 0 --session=all -t 28 --potfile-disable -w 3 --gpu-temp-abort=85 --gpu-temp-retain=80 "R:\TEMP\tmp749A.tmp" "R:\TEMP\pass.txt" ?a?a?a?l

Where pass.txt contanins only "pass".

Hash found.

3/ I ran

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 6 -m 0 --session=all -t 28 --potfile-disable -w 3 --gpu-temp-abort=85 --gpu-temp-retain=80 "R:\TEMP\tmp749A.tmp" "R:\TEMP\pass.txt" ?a?a?a?a

(last letter changed from a to l)

Hash not found...

4/ I ran

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 6 -m 0 --session=all --potfile-disable -w 3 --gpu-temp-abort=85 --gpu-temp-retain=80 "R:\TEMP\tmp749A.tmp" "R:\TEMP\pass.txt" ?a?a?a?a

(removed -t 28)

Hash found, however it took quite some time, not so ultra fast as previously.

Cuda hashcat 1.35, windows, gtx 970. Let me know what may be the thing here. I though Markov shouldn't narrow the number of combinations, and here it seems it does and it does omit some of them.

I guess I was wrong ? Smile That would quite expect all these foundless nights :-D
Do you even know what -t does ?
Do not use something unless you understand its purpose and then complain after it is not working.

Everything is working as intended.
(03-25-2015, 12:53 AM)10fi Wrote: [ -> ]I though Markov shouldn't narrow the number of combinations, and here it seems it does and it does omit some of them.

That's precisely what -t does. With your mask & threshold value, you're reducing the keyspace from 95^4 to 28^4.