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hashcat Forum

Full Version: multi GPU over the LAN
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i have 2 computer with 2 card (1 - gtx980 2-gtx970)
the computer connect with a lan.

can i run the hashcat in the first computer and a agent in the other computer?

There is software called Hashtopus that would allow you to manage the distribution and load of the clients.
This requires a SQL and php enabled webserver.

However oclHashcat has a option to skip sections built into it check out:

* Distributed:

-s, --skip=NUM skip number of words
-l, --limit=NUM limit number of words
--keyspace show keyspace base:mod values and quit

You should be able to give half to PC one and PC2
how i "split" the work?
how many words have in one work?


(03-30-2015, 04:42 PM)skillskills Wrote: [ -> ]There is software called Hashtopus that would allow you to manage the distribution and load of the clients.
This requires a SQL and php enabled webserver.

However oclHashcat has a option to skip sections built into it check out:

* Distributed:

-s, --skip=NUM skip number of words
-l, --limit=NUM limit number of words
--keyspace show keyspace base:mod values and quit

You should be able to give half to PC one and PC2
you can also generate all combination of your mask up to some point and start checking manually or write script
ex you have a mask ?u?u?u?u?u?u
predefine first two like A?u?u?u?u?u, B?u?u?u?u?u etc...
and run them on different machines
Try hastopus its really great im using it, deploy a local xampp and u are done.