I've not tested attempting to escape commas in the custom charset, but you can try.
So the first two lines of your hcmask file (based on the masks you generated above) would be:
Would it work if a script would execute command one by one like that:
./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 6211 -a 3 -n 32 /root/desktop/countainer.tc -1 '.,' -2 ';,.-_):' '!Ii!?1HuW18483?2?2?2?2?2123456789+'\''+uHdbHDhE' -o /root/desktop/found/found1.txt
./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 6211 -a 3 -n 32 /root/desktop/countainer.tc -1 '.,' -2 ';,.-_):' '!Ii!?1HuW?218483?2?2?2?2123456789+'\''+uHdbHDhE' -o /root/desktop/found/found2.txt
Could you try the hcmask with the ones you wrote above? I can't test it right now and you would help me a lot and other people who have the same question about hcmask .
And can you answer my other questions?
1.) Which OS would bring best speed with AMD R9 290X?
2.) Is a slash / in the password a problem for hashcat?
3.) Does it any difference for cracking speed if the TC Countainer file is 5mb or 5gb big?
Yes, that's precisely how you would script it out as I suggested.
OS is irrelevant.
No, a slash is not a problem.
No, the size of the container is irrelevant.
Thanks for your reply.
I tried this Option yesterday:
it won't really start if it's like that only that way:
but than there is no comma in it. I tried this on windows. Do you think the result would be different on ubuntu?
How would you script it out for an automatic run? I have to many masks to start them one by one.
€dit: Isn't there no option in hashcat when you have a comma in your custom charset?
Okay it's now running one by one in a batch file.
But I just get a speed of 125 kH/s, do you know why?
Shouldn't it be like 400-500 kH/s with the AMD R9 290X (Katalyst 14.9)
Post the commands that you ended up putting in that batch
like that:
-m 6211 -a 3 -n 32 /root/desktop/countainer.tc -1 ';,.-_):' '!Ii!,HuW18483?1?1?1?1?1123456789+'\''+uHdbHDhE' -o /root/desktop/found/found1.txt
The keyspace is likely too small to achieve full acceleration, thus the low speed.