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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Help with a specific mask or rule
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Hello everyone,

I need an help on a rule that can just take the words from a wordlist and permutate like the examples below.
(i know how to do this with masks, but not with wordlist)

  • Word in the wordlist: Hello
  • Chosen digit from me: 9
  • What the plain should be:
    Hello9, Hell9o, Hel9lo, He9llo.....9Hello
  • Word in the wordlist: Hello
  • Chosen set of digits: { 9, 1, 8 } and chosen permutation maxcombination with this set: 2 ( 11,18,19,81,91,88,99,89,98)
  • What the plain should be:
    Hello19, Hell19o, Hel19lo, He19llo.....19Hello
    Hello11, Hell11o, Hel11lo, He11llo.....11Hello
    Hello18, Hell18o, Hel18lo, He18llo.....18Hello

  • Word in the wordlist: Help
  • Chosen string: Ab3
  • What the plain should be:
    HelpAb3, HelAb3p, HelAb3lp .... Ab3Help

Can someone help me?
Check the i rule, you may like it.
indeed and with from hashcat-utils you can let auto-generate them for you
(04-05-2015, 10:30 PM)Xanadrel Wrote: [ -> ]Hey,
Check the i rule, you may like it.

EDIT (I misread):
Thank you so much! <3
(04-05-2015, 11:32 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]indeed and with from hashcat-utils you can let auto-generate them for you

Well i can't use since i'm on winzoz but anyway i can still use len.exe that is usefull for me.
Why can't you use on Windows? There's Cygwin, Strawberry Perl, ActiveState Perl, DWIM Perl...
(04-06-2015, 05:55 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Why can't you use on Windows? There's Cygwin, Strawberry Perl, ActiveState Perl, DWIM Perl...

I'm using Cygwin right now, but there are tons of packages. Which one is for emulate linux commands on the cmd? (or at least just for the text editors commands)