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hashcat Forum

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Hi everybody, I am new here,

I am trying to mask attack

oclHashcat64.exe --force -t 32 -a 3 -m 1400 --custom-charset1=?l?d?u SHA-256.hash ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1


oclHashcat v1.35 starting...

Device #1: Turks, 2048MB, 800Mhz, 6MCU
Device #2: Pitcairn, 2048MB, 1000Mhz, 16MCU

Hashes: 1 hashes; 1 unique digests, 1 unique salts
Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes, 0/1 rotates
Applicable Optimizers:
* Zero-Byte
* Precompute-Init
* Precompute-Merkle-Demgard
* Early-Skip
* Not-Salted
* Not-Iterated
* Single-Hash
* Single-Salt
* Brute-Force
* Scalar-Mode
* Raw-Hash
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger set to 80c
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m01400_a3.Turks_1642.5_1642.5 (VM)_1426989084.kernel (438636 bytes)

Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/markov_be_v1.Turks_1642.5_1642.5 (VM)_1426989084.kernel (42436 byte
Device #2: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m01400_a3.Pitcairn_1642.5_1642.5 (VM)_1426989084.kernel (265048 byt
Device #2: Kernel ./kernels/4098/markov_be_v1.Pitcairn_1642.5_1642.5 (VM)_1426989084.kernel (35128 b

The wordlist or mask you are using is too small.
Therefore, oclHashcat is unable to utilize the full parallelization power of your GPU(s).
The cracking speed will drop.

INFO: approaching final keyspace, workload adjusted

Session.Name...: oclHashcat
Status.........: Exhausted
Input.Mode.....: Mask (?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1) [16]
Hash.Target....: afe884d8cffd049bb8bcab08a3fbc0501c64711aee071e3ef9b28bd6d1211edc
Hash.Type......: SHA256
Time.Started...: 0 secs
Time.Estimated.: 0 secs
Speed.GPU.#1...: 0 H/s
Speed.GPU.#2...: 0 H/s
Speed.GPU.#*...: 0 H/s
Recovered......: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 0/0 (100.00%)
Skipped........: 0/0 (100.00%)
Rejected.......: 0/0 (100.00%)
Restore point..: 0/0 (100.00%)
HWMon.GPU.#1...: 12% Util, 46c Temp, 44% Fan
HWMon.GPU.#2...: 0% Util, 42c Temp, 55% Fan

Started: Tue Apr 14 19:34:23 2015
Stopped: Tue Apr 14 19:34:26 2015

Press any key to continue . . .

Interger overflow (32^16)

32 because you use -t 32
(04-14-2015, 06:41 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]Interger overflow (32^16)

32 because you use -t 32

Thank you