Hello everyone, i'm new in hashcat (never used before) although i've used similar gpu cracking tools like pyrit.
I'm setting up and old computer as a remote computation (cracking) server, with The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) and a few tools installed, trying to get as much power from the old hardware as i can.
I have already pyrit running with cuda and my old force 8300 gs, it works fine with both cuda and pyrit, not problem at all (very slow card but thats another thing).
I've messed around a bit until i get cudahascat working on my pc (i only had hashcat which don't use gpu acceleration, so i finally get cudahashcat and tried benchmarks and examples to see if works fine.
Quote:Device #1: GeForce 8300 GS, 127MB, 918Mhz, 1MCU
ERROR: Shader Model 1.0 - 1.3 based GPU detected. Support for CUDA was dropped by NVidia.
Remove it from your system or use -d and select only supported cards.
and thats all i can do with cudahashcat. Googling a bit i see that my gpu could be no longer supported by nvidia and cuda but as i have it working with cuda and pyrit i wonder if is possible to fix this error and use it with hashcat.
Sorry about my english, i think i don't miss any information so hope can solve this easily.
sm_1x devices were dropped in CUDA 7. If you are using pyrit with CUDA, then you're likely using an older driver with CUDA 6 or earlier.
(04-21-2015, 07:44 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]sm_1x devices were dropped in CUDA 7. If you are using pyrit with CUDA, then you're likely using an older driver with CUDA 6 or earlier.
Well, i installed cuda via apt-get so i get the appropriated version for my card, in didn't select any version.
how can i check which version i've installed?
Can i use hashcat to use cuda 6 or is not longer supported?
If you installed CUDA via APT then it's surely an old version (maybe CUDA 4 or CUDA 5 depending on the distribution.) For cudaHashcat you must use the latest stable driver from geforce.com. cudaHashcat is developed with CUDA 7. The only way to make cudaHashcat work with your device is to buy a new device.
(04-22-2015, 07:27 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]If you installed CUDA via APT then it's surely an old version (maybe CUDA 4 or CUDA 5 depending on the distribution.) For cudaHashcat you must use the latest stable driver from geforce.com. cudaHashcat is developed with CUDA 7. The only way to make cudaHashcat work with your device is to buy a new device.
can i check which version i've installed?
should i upgrade to the last cuda version that supports my card?
Buying new hardware is not an option as I'm only doing this to learn how to setup a server and learn how to manage it remotely and so on, perhaps later (if i take this more seriously) i consider buying a new computer.
Thanks for the help.
You can download older versions, see on the oclHashcat page on the bottom for download links. There's even older versions on that folder, till version 1.20, which is not listed. Just replace the filename
(04-24-2015, 01:36 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]You can download older versions, see on the oclHashcat page on the bottom for download links. There's even older versions on that folder, till version 1.20, which is not listed. Just replace the filename
sorry about this newbie questions, i've have just started with this and i have a lot to learn, but:
How can i check which cuda version is the newest that support my card?
also in the same line: how can i know which cudahashcat should i download that works with that cuda version?
i know this is out of the scope of the forum but, why i get an older version if using apt-get? i thought apt-get was the best tool to get everything up to date and install everything, thats why i install cuda via apt-get.
if i want then to upgrade cuda i should uninstall cuda and install another version downloaded from the official website?
i really want to get this working asap.
Theres a really good guide from nvidia about installing cuda on linux, the problem is that The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) linux is not within officially supported OS (i hadn't seen any debian distrib in the compatible OS) so there isn't official guide for The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali).
My problem is mainly:
-i need to know which is the latest version with support to my card (where to see this, as in the legacy supported devices my card appear but don't say anything about last supported version)
-i want to check which cuda version i've actually installed but i don't know how to achieve this.
I will really appreciate anyone helping me with this newbie questions
(05-17-2015, 09:57 PM)Usercore Wrote: [ -> ]Upp!!
i really want to get this working asap.
Theres a really good guide from nvidia about installing cuda on linux, the problem is that The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) linux is not within officially supported OS (i hadn't seen any debian distrib in the compatible OS) so there isn't official guide for The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali).
I've gotten away with using both Debian Wheezy and Jessie, but Ubuntu 14.04 is what's recommended. A rule of thumb for the future is to use Ubuntu's current LTS release.
My recommendation: That GeForce 8300 is going to be frustratingly slow, since it's a bit long in the tooth (It was originally released in 2007, and is so old that I can't even find it on gpuboss), and was a low end card that couldn't handle gaming (Except on low settings) back when it was new. If your box can handle it, you're better off getting one of NVIDIA's newer cards. Some older machines use an older PCI-E standard*, which means newer cards won't work. Be sure to check on that carefully. As for cards, you can pick a GTX 750 up on newegg for about $90-$130. While it will get left in the dust by just about anything most of the serious forum/IRC users use, it will still utterly crush the card you have right now.
To provide a reference that's gamer-centric, here's some benchmarking for your card, with new cards for comparison:
* Going off memory (It's been a while since I regularly fooled with cast-off hardware of that vintage), I think the power draw change happened between PCI-E 2.0 and 2.1, rendering newer cards incompatible with most older boards unless the OEM or motherboard manufacturer provided a BIOS update.