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hashcat Forum

Full Version: SHA1($salt.$pass) in ocl-lite?
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Are there any plans to bring SHA1($salt.$pass) to oclHashCat-lite?

The speed and session support in lite is amazing, I just wish it supported salt.pass.

no plans for this, sorry
(08-24-2011, 03:33 AM)ad120 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Are there any plans to bring SHA1($salt.$pass) to oclHashCat-lite?

The speed and session support in lite is amazing, I just wish it supported salt.pass.

you may use mask to crack for salt.pass

(08-27-2011, 03:13 AM)arryang Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-24-2011, 03:33 AM)ad120 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Are there any plans to bring SHA1($salt.$pass) to oclHashCat-lite?

The speed and session support in lite is amazing, I just wish it supported salt.pass.

you may use mask to crack for salt.pass

I don't understand. Could you explain?
(08-24-2011, 09:46 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]no plans for this, sorry

This is too bad. I've got a use for cracking sha1 in this order that isn't the damned SL3 the script kiddies all want. And since I'm actually cracking a large number of salted values, it's not easy for me to just use the mask for the salt the way they are. I'm sad that the cell phone crackers have discouraged this useful feature.
i think this is the wrong approach tough. try regular oclHashcat which supports multihash and SHA1($salt.$pass)
(08-27-2011, 10:33 AM)TheFire Wrote: [ -> ]just use the mask for the salt the way they are.

could you explain how that works exactly?

I tried playing around and googling it. I even waded through the gsm forums. Couldn't find anything.
(08-27-2011, 12:31 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]i think this is the wrong approach tough. try regular oclHashcat which supports multihash and SHA1($salt.$pass)

I expect you're right. I was hoping for the sessions/restore/distributed cracking features. I suppose I should open a feature request for those...