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hashcat Forum

Full Version: cuModuleLoad() 301 - GeForce GTX 980M
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Heyo, just got a new machine and tried to spin up hashcat.
Unable to proceed with a GeForce GTX 980M.

The installation appears to be correct and mirrors my other machine running a GeForce GTX 740M which runs without issue.

cudaHashcat v1.36 starting in benchmark-mode...
Device #1: GeForce GTX 980M, 4096MB, 1126Mhz, 12MCU
ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 301

Any ideas?
That did not remedy the issue.
Full path extraction yields the same results and was what I originally used.
What didn't? What did you try?
re-extracted cudaHashcat using 7zip x option.
Drivers are up to date.

Still no dice.
Guess I need to enter a TRAC ticket?
I don't see any problems with the 1.36 archive. Working fine on GTX 970M, GTX 970, GTX 980, and GTX Titan X, all kernels appear to be present.

You say drivers are up to date, but what driver are you using? It's a laptop, so are you using drivers from your laptop manufacturer, or from
Is GTX 980M using a different shadermodel?
No, it's sm_52.