Hi all,
I don't know much about recovery and I need help but I assume this shouldn't be too complicated, or is it?
The hash starts with {ssha} followed by 54 characters and ending with ==
Hash method is SSHA.
I also have the password in HEX and the length is 40 characters and also the Salt in HEX and the length is 40 characters.
How can I recover the password?
I have tried that but I get output similar to the following, which is not right because I know the password is a combination of letters and numbers, I just can't remember it.
�%Ջ4G ���
I've tried:
...\cudaHashcat-1.36>cudahashcat64 -m --hash-type=111 -a --attack-mode=3 hash.txt -o out.txt
cudaHashcat v1.36 starting...
WARNING: Hashfile 'hash.txt' in line 1 ({ssha}********************************************==): Line-length exception
Parsed Hashes: 1/1 (100.00%)
ERROR: No hashes loaded
...\cudaHashcat-1.36>cudahashcat64 -m --hash-type=111 -a --attack-mode=3 hash.txt -o out.txt
cudaHashcat v1.36 starting...
WARNING: Hashfile 'hash.txt' in line 1 (**************************************************************************************=): Line-length exception
Parsed Hashes: 1/1 (100.00%)
ERROR: No hashes loaded
I've also tried:
cudahashcat64 -m 110 -a --attack-mode=3 hash.txt -o out.txt
...and I keep getting "Separator unmatched" or "Line-length exception"
I managed to get it started with:
...\cudaHashcat-1.36>cudahashcat64 -m 111 -a --attack-mode=3 hash.txt -o out.txt
...and using the hash in the form below:
Now I'll have to wait.