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hashcat Forum

Full Version: 980 TI Bench
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from the original command, i thought he was running windows, but there are only 2 drivers for the 980ti on nvidia's website, the 353.06 and .30 for windows. i will try the linux version.
I'm running a pair of these on Windows 10 with the 353.62 drivers. Not getting comparable speeds on netntlmv2 (500's max using -a 3) and it crashes in benchmark mode doing sha256.

Anybody else running them on windows 10 or with 35x drivers?
If you haven't already done this, do this:

1. Create, edit copy/paste and then double click (install) the .reg file and delete it after successful import:

2. Uninstall any old NVIDIA drivers and install the newest only (355.60 as of right now) (Get rid of PhysX and User Experience programs too unless you want them)
Hello everyone I currently have a single 980Ti that cracks WPA/WPA2 at roughly 261.29 kH/s so sufficient to say I am enjoying it.

I am in the market for a second Nvidia card, should I go for another 980Ti or the Titan X?
(09-18-2015, 11:13 PM)timonline86 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone I currently have a single 980Ti that cracks WPA/WPA2 at roughly 261.29 kH/s so sufficient to say I am enjoying it.

I am in the market for a second Nvidia card, should I go for another 980Ti or the Titan X?

its been like 3 month from the last time u posted.
can u update us what u bought in the end?

and the benchmark history :o?
(01-16-2016, 04:37 PM)pay Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2015, 11:13 PM)timonline86 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone I currently have a single 980Ti that cracks WPA/WPA2 at roughly 261.29 kH/s so sufficient to say I am enjoying it.

I am in the market for a second Nvidia card, should I go for another 980Ti or the Titan X?

its been like 3 month from the last time u posted.
can u update us what u bought in the end?

and the benchmark history :o?

I'm kind of in a similar situation. For me it's about buying a second used 1070 or a used 980 Ti...
Is there an up to date (means: hashcat 3.0) benchmark for the 980 ti?
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