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hashcat Forum

Full Version: for IKE-SHA1 hash : too long SA
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* I apologize for my poor English.

Recently I tried to find the PSK(preshared key) for the IKE-SHA1 hash(mode 5400). First I had run oclHashcat with the test vector from hashcat wiki, it worked fine.

But when I tried with my own hash, an error message was displayed - "line length exception". The hash consists of (each is written in hex chars and separated from other members by colons) :
- 128 bytes of g_x (or g_xr)
- 128 bytes of g_y (or g_xi)
- 8 bytes of CKY-R
- 8 bytes of CKY-I
- 552 bytes of SAi_b
- 13 bytes of IDir_b
- 24 bytes of Ni_b
- 24 bytes of Nr_b
- 20 bytes of HASH_R

My conclusion is that SA is too long; it's 552 bytes(so 1104 hex chars), while the SA in the test vector from wiki is 160-byte long.

When I remove all but 160 bytes from SA of my hash, oclHashcat worked with no error. But of course I cannot really cut off some of SA string, so I have no idea how to make my hash work.

Any idea or work-around? I've already read the similar thread but it was related to the total length of the hash and already fixed, so it was not helpful.

Thank you in advance.