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hashcat Forum

Full Version: rules issue with rules cudahashcatx64 1,36
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Hi there,

I have the following issue with rules:

This does not find the hash:

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 6 -m 500 --session=all --status --status-timer=6 -o "z:\50037710" --outfile-format=3 -w 1 --gpu-temp-abort=85 --gpu-temp-retain=80 -j "cfr:dp3^1q" "hash_path" "dict_path" ?d?d?d?d

while this does:

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 6 -m 500 --session=all --status --status-timer=6 -o "z:\50037710" --outfile-format=3 -w 1 --gpu-temp-abort=85 --gpu-temp-retain=80 "hash_path" "dict_path" ?d?d?d?d

the password is blossom2012, the hash is $1$TC5h.SFc$0PdUWFRb/zotUpNFDdJZq

Any idea?
Yes, known issue fixed in v1.37
(06-26-2015, 09:23 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, known issue fixed in v1.37

Thanks, waiting for it.