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Full Version: Build recommendation
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Sorry if this is the lazy approach, looking for some feedback though.

Always been an AMD guy for cracking boxes but from looking on here, it looks like the current preferences go towards Nvidia.

Looking for most bang for $5k. We tend to do a lot of ntlm/netntlm stuff, with a smattering of other hash types. Just looking for a GPU recommendation to get started that should fit a full build in for 5k but use as much of it as possible and get most performance out of it.

Is three Titan X a silly idea?
Yes, 4x 980Ti are faster and cheaper.
(06-29-2015, 08:53 PM)Flomac Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, 4x 980Ti are faster and cheaper.

If I can keep to my 5k budget, cheaper isnt a concern, if faster is there. I know the numbers havent come in on the Fury cards, but seeing mostly hate towards it at the moment. Is that something worth waiting out?
With four Titan X you might fall out of your budget, where four 980Ti will keep you in. Maybe you can go to five but slightly more complicated to find the proper hardware.

For the Fury X we have to wait. But I think you might not want to hassle with three to four water cooler in one casing.
(06-29-2015, 11:14 PM)Flomac Wrote: [ -> ]With four Titan X you might fall out of your budget, where four 980Ti will keep you in. Maybe you can go to five but slightly more complicated to find the proper hardware.

For the Fury X we have to wait. But I think you might not want to hassle with three to four water cooler in one casing.

Yeah Def wouldnt do the water cooled, I meant the normal Fury cards not fury x.
Pay no attention to AMD.
Off topic:
Seems Jeremi so tired from AMD drivers (and dual GPU cards) in past two years that will not go back to AMD in anyway Big Grin
You don't want to wait forr the non-X Fury, except the Nano maybe. The Fury X sucks easily 350W and the produced heat seems to be no hassle for the water cooler, but it definitly will be for a normal air cooling system. So you will get a very much slower card due to heavy throttling.
The Fury Nano might me fine, since AMD claims slightly higher perfoirmance than the 290X at a TDP of only 175W. But this thing is still a few weeks away and no one knows anything yet fur sure.

You don't do much wrong with four 980Ti, only slightly slower than the Titan X while much cheaper and the best price/perf. ratio of the faster GPUs.
Thanks all for taking the time to reply. I appreciate as I am behind the times it seems.

I follow the best bang for buck of 980ti vs titan x. Assuming the buck isnt mine, and i can squeeze a little more out of the coffers, is there any reason to NOT go with four titan x vs 980ti?
No, just money.
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