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hashcat Forum

Full Version: help me to restart please
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i was using oclhashcat some time ago, now I have some difficulties to restart use it.
please help, i need to find a pw of 10 digits that is inside an HEX uppercase dict.

i'm trying this:

oclhashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 2500 -1 ABCDEF0123456789 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 *.hccap

but at first i get an error or warning about unsupported GPU drivers.
i dont remember what i have to install, i already have latest catalyst, what do i also need?
You also need not latest catalyst.

Here is a hint :
ah! 14.9. damn it! I recently update them.

thanks, i'm gonna downgrade, anyway about the command, can you please adjust the syntax?
i really have to re pratice.
The command looks fine except for the mask which should be last, and you would likely need to cat your multiple hccap files in a single one if you want to target more than one at the same time.
thanks, I changed like this

oclhashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 2500 -1 ABCDEF0123456789 C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\MAC_handshake.hccap -o output.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 --force
and it worked.
Don't start to get dumb and check available resources (including wiki, FAQ, common sense).
Also don't report any issue when using --force.
Take the time to read, and use english next time.