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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Newbie help...
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Hello all, 
I recently installed hashcat on my Mac (using brew cask), and i was wondering how to crack a simple SHA1 hash? I have gotten as far as "hashcat -m 100 -a 3" with the wiki, but I can't figure out where to put the hash. If anyone could help me that'd be great!
Quote:epixoip hashcat-0.50 $ ./hashcat-cli64.bin -h
hashcat, advanced password recovery

Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfiles|directories]
(07-24-2015, 01:58 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:epixoip hashcat-0.50 $ ./hashcat-cli64.bin -h
hashcat, advanced password recovery

Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfiles|directories]

Thanks, so how would i go about cracking a SHA1 password?