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hashcat Forum

Full Version: ERROR: cuStreamSynchronize() 719
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Hello everyone,

First time here and honestly first time I've tried to use anything like oclhashcat.  I am running into some issues and was told this was the place to go looking for help.

I have a GTX 970 running on a Windows 8.1 box.  I am simply just trying to run the benchmark and after it gets through the sha256 benchmark it errors with the following:

ERROR: cuStreamSynchronize() 719

I am not really sure what I can do to resolve this and google has not been very helpful.

Does anyone have any ideas that could help me resolve this?

Someone reported the same error with sha256 before. Please try again with oclHashcat v1.37 (will be released soon).
I had the same issues as you when I upgraded from 8.1 to 10. At first it would work but then crash. There are 2 things you need to do:

1. Create, edit copy/paste and then double click (install) the .reg file and delete it after successful import:

2. Uninstall any old NVIDIA drivers and install the newest only (Get rid of PhysX and User Experience programs too unless you want them)

For reference, I am getting around 30,000 WPA2 hashes per second on the GeForce 840M with 355.60 driver and v1.37