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hashcat Forum

Full Version: trying to put oclhashcat on mint linux.
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I have downloaded the version and have extracted a folder that contains lots of stuff. it has .exe's and windows logos everywhere but wine isnt opening them.

How would i properly install oclhashcat on mint linux?
Take some computer classes and learn how to use your own system, then you can eventually come back to ask a real question.
....... or you could come to this place called the internet where knowledge flows freely 24/7 and most people are eager to help.
i came to the hashcat forum to get help with hashcat. learning by experience is a great method.
(07-31-2015, 09:39 PM)trippin Wrote: [ -> ]....... or you could come to this place called the internet where knowledge flows freely 24/7 and most people are eager to help.
You must be new to the internet...

(07-31-2015, 09:42 PM)trippin Wrote: [ -> ]i came to the hashcat forum to get help with hashcat. learning by experience is a great method.
Wrong, you came to hashcat forum to get help with basic knowledge of your system.
Also yes, learning by experience is probably the best, but it doesn't seem like you are experiencing a lot, you probably didn't take the time to "read some fucking manuals", and not only the one about hashcat.

Oh and double post Smile