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hashcat Forum

Full Version: How to test(crack) RAR?
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Hello everyone, I have a rar archive, how I can crack it on, can step through write how to do it?

C:\Users\John\Desktop\HASHCAT\cudaHashcat-1.37>cudaHashcat64  -w 3 -a ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d  filename.rar  

But Im have Error.

cudaHashcat v1.37 starting...

Usage: cudaHashcat64 [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|direc

If I need to get the hash - RAR, then how to do it?

What am I doing wrong, thanks for the help.))
You need to read the wiki:

-a is an attack mode, not the place to put your mask. Use -a 3, specify the algorithm (Read the wiki) and put your mask at the end of your command line.
Futhermore, you need to extract the required information from the .rar file (e.g. with before you start cracking with hash type -m 12500 (which you btw did not specify on the command line) and use the extracted output/blob/"hash information" as input for oclHashcat.
(08-21-2015, 01:45 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]Futhermore, you need to extract the required information from the .rar file (e.g. with before you start cracking with hash type -m 12500 (which you btw did not specify on the command line) and use the extracted output/blob/"hash information" as input for oclHashcat.

hello bro philsmd
using rar2john.exe hashcat.rar > hashcat

hashcat.rar:<hash removed by philsmd>::hashcat.txt

when i look at

correct hash rar for hashcat
<hash removed by philsmd>

hope you can make it into hashcat?
(08-21-2015, 02:42 PM)silvia Wrote: [ -> ]output

You'd better delete that hash before you get banned! It's against the rules to post hashes unless told to.