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Full Version: RAR3 benchmark
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I always get this from -b

Hashtype: RAR3-hp
Workload: 16384 loops, 32 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.:        0 H/s

Is this a bug or is RAR3 special in some way?
-b uses -w 3, and 32 is likely too large of a -n value for your GPU. Workload is too large, so speed just hasn't had a chance to update. You can try manually running with a lower -n value.
works fine for me:

Quote:root@et:~/oclHashcat-1.38# ./oclHashcat64.bin -m 12500 -b --benchmark-mode 0 -n 32 -d 1 --runtime 30
oclHashcat v1.38 starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: Hawaii, 4033MB, 1000Mhz, 44MCU

Hashtype: RAR3-hp
Workload: 16384 loops, 32 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.: 31463 H/s
This was a Titan X. If the default -n value is too large for that one, it ought to be too large for most cards out there Smile

Anyway thanks, using that command line I do get a result.
I was able to reproduce the problem on my 750Ti. Fixed.