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hashcat Forum

Full Version: stdin mode, length limit, a lot gets rejected
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I use a CĀ program that build password guesses based on the following rule:


Here anĀ invented example:
[email protected]:123456:user0:aSDJv934upvjsdpu24r8gu3490503475345jklvsdhshdklfhjsdilfjsldflsdfklsdfkljsdlkfklsdjfklsdjfksdjfklsdjfjklsdhfjsdhfsdfsdfsdsad234tb
[email protected]:123456:user1:aSDJv934upvjsdpu24r8gu3490503475345jklvsdhshdklfhjsdilfjsldflsdfklsdfkljsdlkfklsdjfklsdjfksdjfklsdjfjklsdhfjsdhfsdfsdfsdsad234tb

In the moment I pipe those generated password candidates to oclHashCat in stdin mode, most of them will be rejected because the candidates are too long.

cat dictionary.dict | ./myCprogram | ./oclHashCat64.bin somehashes.md5

What can I do about it?
1. There's nothing you can do about it, the length is simply too long for any optimized cracker. You'll need to use a cracker that just uses OpenSSL or something.

2. oclHashcat is not the correct program to use for this anyway. Since you have no amplifier, you are gaining no acceleration. This attack will be faster on CPU than GPU regardless.
Thanks for the info. This can be closed.