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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hashfile 'test.txt' in line 1 ( ■$): Line-length exception
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I'm getting the following warning, I've tried to google it, I've also found some issues, but nothing has helped me... any advice from you guys?

C:\Users\admin>cd Desktop

C:\Users\admin\Desktop>cd oclHashcat-1.37

C:\Users\admin\Desktop\oclHashcat-1.37>.\cudaHashcat64.exe -m 10500 -a 3 -i --increment-min=10 --increment-max=15 -n 2 --session=cudaHashcat hash.txt
cudaHashcat v1.37 starting...

WARNING: Hashfile 'hash.txt' in line 1 ( ■$): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'hash.txt' in line 2 (): Line-length exception
Parsed Hashes: 1/1 (100.00%)

ERROR: No hashes loaded


pdf2hashcat was used to generate hash

Hash: $pdf$4*4*128*-1028*1*16*f57ac6cXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXfa9b0541*32*8672b7871cccce48631a2XXXXXXXXX0a00000000000000000000000000000000*32*1e7a8764983434e62bad1389f99ee6e7b363XXXXXXXXXXXXXX649bdbab005f97

I HAVE read wiki and also tried to match example hashes from here: ... Any help please?
Appears to be something wrong with the file hash.txt itself. Looks like there's some binary garbage and a blank line in there.
Works fine for me with hash.txt only containing:


You sure that's all that's in there? Can't say I like the look of that 3 byte box char before the dollar - ■$
I'm using python 2.7.10 on Windows x64... also newline might be an issue (CR+LF vs LF)? I've also tried pdf2john from John the Ripper pack with the same results :/. Deleting the blank line didn't help, what did you mean by binary garbage?

EDIT: Okay so I've opened the *.txt file copied it all over to notepad++ and saved as hash2.txt. Size of the file went down by half and it started working ... No idea what was the matter.... Thank you both for help!!

Estimated time is 10 years on my current setup, so I'll pass on this I guess Big Grin