I am experimenting with some PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 hashes, but I can't seem to get oclHashcat to work.
I am trying the example hash:
with a dictionary just containing "hashcat" but it can't crack it.
Can anyone reproduce a successful match with this hash mode?
We changed the encoding for the salt in the PBKDF2-HMAC-* generic hashes from raw to base64 with latest oclHashcat v1.38 (which is not yet released). For details see
For v1.37, take the salt and decode it, then replace it:
Quote:$ echo -n MzU4NTA4MzIzNzA1MDQ= | base64 -d
You should be able to crack this hash with oclHashcat v1.37:
Now I can get the example to work.
The hashes I work with, however, does not have an integer as the salt.
Example salt: eI48aSYryTJ/JF0qaTdYaQ==
How can I use hashes which are not digits?
Do I have to wait for the next version of oclHashcat?
For the record I am doing some testing with .Net Rfc2898DeriveBytes
Not just digits, it should work for all data as long as it does not include 0x00, \n or :
(10-10-2015, 08:47 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]Not just digits, it should work for all data as long as it does not include 0x00, \n or :
I got it to work, thanks a lot!
A good part of my salts contain newline, colon and zero byte, but I guess that the next version will be able to crack those! When will it be released?